It never crossed my mind that there'd be a queue, so I took my time and arrived at around 1pm, only to find a queue wrapping around itself several times from the ticket office and out into Fed Square. I don't like queues at the best of times, but when a queue leaves you standing outdoors in 11 degree temperatures, not much would tempt me to join it. So I didn't.
I left Fed Square, and went shopping down at South Wharf for a couple of hours, then returned to ACMI around 3:30pm, to find the queue at the ticket office considerably shorter, and mostly undercover. This time, I waited and bought my ticket.
When I got downstairs to the exhibition space, I could see where the queue had gone. I've never seen the place so packed! It's great to see ACMI doing so well like this, but a shame that it was so hard to check out the exhibition through the crowds. I liked what I saw though, and maybe I'll go again in a few months, if it looks a little less crowded then.
I was sorry that they don't allow photography inside; there was some amazing artwork, costumes and sculpture that I'd have loved to have taken some shots of. It was well worth the effort to see the exhibition, though.
Next up: the NGV's winter masterpieces show, but not until at least after the school holidays!
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