When I read crap like this, it makes me want to get on the first boat out of this country.
Liberal party polling has apparently discovered a deep vein of fear and ignorance in enough parts of the country that they expect to be able to get more votes than they'll alienate by taking this stance, and Abbott dutifully mouths the platitudes, and whistles to the dogs. Nah, he's not whistling now; he's shouting to the ignorant dogs of 'middle Australia' to join him in sinking innocent victims of war trying to find a safe haven in this country.
I feel sick to the stomach thinking about Abbott and his swinging bigots; I mean, swinging voters.
I like to believe that the majority of these troglodytes are located in the backwards parts of Queensland, WA and western NSW, and that a majority of Victorians and other educated people in south-eastern Australia share my revulsion of the insularity and hysteria whipped up by the northerners.
Victoria has a long, proud tradition of small 'l' liberalism and social conscience. Being bound to the ignorant masses of the north and west makes me wish at times that there was a way out of this federation, so that we wouldn't have to have leadership candidates from, especially, the far right-wing of the NSW conservative parties (Abbott, Howard) foisted on us at election time.
p.s... and thanks to the Age for providing a neat image for me to borrow today (4/8!)
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