I hate getting out of bed on the cold mornings, but I love the first breath of cold air when I step out the front door to head for the bus. I hate getting up in the pitch dark to get ready for work, but I love the look of the city on a foggy morning before sunrise. I hate getting home in the dark when it's only 5:30pm, but I love drawing the blinds and turning on the heater and feeling cosy and warm. I hate going into a cold bathroom in the evening, but I love snuggling up in warm flannelette sheets under an extra blanket for the night.
It's only May 27, so it's still officially 4 days until Winter even starts. I love the change of seasons as Autumn draws to a close and Winter looms on the horizon... but I hate that Winter lasts so bloody long! If only it could be Spring again in July.
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