They always had a good range of product, usually as cheap or cheaper than all of their competitors. But in the past six months, I've been stung time and again by their no-longer-cheapest-on-the-block prices... rushing out to buy a new blu ray at JB, and then finding it a day or so later up to 25% cheaper... sometimes, at a different JB store!
This week, finally, I had learned my lesson.
I ran down to JB in Bourke St yesterday to check out the new release of the Spirit on blu ray, only to find it top-priced at $39.95. I was at Chaddy that evening, so I checked the JB store there (where the previous week, I had bought Vicky Cristina Barcelona for 10% ($4) less than the JB Bourke St store was charging!). No luck there; still $39.95.
Reluctantly, I decided that I would have to live without it... I had enjoyed the movie at the cinema and wanted to see it again, but it was no classic, and not worth that much!
Today, I was passing by the Target store in the city, and decided to look for the Spirit there. Target's pricing policy is a constant mystery to me... they mark a price on the item, then put it on sale, but don't always indicate on the shelf that there's a discount available. Anyway, today, they were doing a 15% off everything sale, so when I found the Spirit marked at $39.95, I knew I'd found a good buy (cf JB, at least!).
So I go to the checkout, expecting to pay around $34 for the disc, but to my delight, it had already been marked down *prior* to the 15%... so the total cost was $29.74! That's over $10 cheaper than the JB store next door!
So that's absolutely the last time that I will ever trust JB's prices again. Whatever they used to be, they ain't now.
Oh, JB... you've done it this time!
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