ummm... did I say the Museum had the queue from hell yesterday??
Today's ordeal arose as part of a visit to friends in the outer 'burbs, including a promise of a trip to the cinema for the kids, to allow the adults to enjoy a quiet coffee and chat. That was the plan, anyway.
We arrived at the cinema in a (we thought) timely fashion at 11:30, to buy tickets for the 11:50 show, only to find ourselves at the tail end of a queue that stretched well beyond the cinema entrance! As 11:50 approached and we couldn't see the box office, the kids were advised that they would be seeing a different movie, starting at midday, instead of the one planned.
As midday approached, and the box office was still a distant point on the horizon of the queue, plans were hastily changed again... another movie, starting at 12:20, looked the most likely candidate.
Finally at just after 12:15, some 45 minutes of queueing later, we made it to the ticket counter, just in time for the kids to run to the cinema to catch the start of the movie!
Thanks for nothing, Village cinemas... you would think they would have made an effort to staff more of the registers to try to reduce the queue a little. 45 minutes is not what I would call a reasonable wait for tickets for a movie. We'll think twice before ever going back there again.