Adventure features Geoff Johns-scripted stories of Superboy and the Legion of Super-heroes. I would not have bought a copy of Superboy #1, or even of Superboy and the Legion #1, with or without Geoff's scripting, but I couldn't resist buying Adventure, one of DC's oldest and most revered anthology titles, and one that I read as a kid in the 60's, as a teenager in the 70's, and as a ... grown-up kid, in the 80's!
I can still remember my disbelief when they cancelled Adventure, initially at #490, then after a short revival in digest format, at #503. Adventure was, at the time, the oldest continually-published title at DC, having started even before Action Comics and Detective Comics. It deserved better than cancellation, and I'm so glad to see it on the racks again, that I'm determined to try it out for at least the first half-dozen issues, whether or not I even enjoy it (but I hope I will!)
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