The story didn't sound too promising, but with a cast featuring both Meryl (I feel that we can be on first name terms by now, having seen so many of her films recently) and Alec Baldwin, plus Steve Martin, I had to give it a try.
It wasn't too bad, but I have to say, it was the least of the movies that Meryl has made in the past 18 months or so... not a patch on Mamma Mia, Doubt or Julie & Julia. Comedy isn't Meryl's strong suit. She seemed larger than life in this ordinary suburban divorcee role - more like Meryl playing a part, than the actual character that she was meant to be. Alec Baldwin was terrific though, and provided many of the laughs.
But to be fair to the cast and the story, something in the movie caught my eye early on, constantly distracting me and taking me 'out of the moment'.
It was Steve Martin's FACE! OMG! It looks as though he's survived a bad accident. That is the WORST case of plastic surgery trauma that I have EVER seen on screen. A man of his age whose face has NO lines whatsoever! In one scene, he grinned from ear-to-ear, and you'd swear he'd just been attacked with Joker venom! It was ghastly! There was no way that you could imagine that Meryl would be more interested in a man with the head of a store dummy than in Alec! I wanted to avert my eyes every time he appeared on the screen.
There's no doubt about it - Steve Martin's face ruined any chance I had of really enjoying this movie. Despite that, it did have some amusing moments, so it wasn't a total waste of time... but if I were him, I'd just sue the surgeons and never worry about working again.
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