Tuesday, June 2, 2009

99% unlikely

The GP had had a very busy day... as they all seem to always have, these days.

When I told him why I was there to see him, he launched into a lecture about how many people he had seen already that day for the same reason, how I was 99% unlikely to have swine flu and likely to have a common cold, and how employers were starting to panic about the flu. Then he even described many of the symptoms that I had.

None of this was news to me... I never thought I had the flu. But I was starting to think that I had contracted some other virus that needed attention.

I was beginning to feel really stupid for coming along and wasting his time. Then he asked me how long I had had the symptoms. When I told him a week, he checked my throat, and my temperature, and immediately decided to refer me for a swine flu test... just in case! :-P

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